
SmartHub briefly unavailable at 4:30 p.m.

UPDATED: 02/10/2025

SmartHub will be briefly unavailable due to maintenance at 4:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 10. We anticipate the service will be available again after several minutes.

Small Change makes a big difference

Operation Round Up

By itself, your spare change doesn’t make much of a difference. However, when you combine it with thousands of other Tipmont members, it can change our communities for the better. That’s the power of Operation Round Up through Tipmont.

Since 1999, we have made over 650 grants totaling over $1.2 million dollars!

Rounding Up

How It Works

When you choose to sign up for Operation Round Up, your electric bill is rounded up to the nearest whole dollar each month.

For example, a bill of $74.25 would become $75. The $0.75 difference is placed into the Operation Round Up trust fund. The average total contribution each year is about $6 and is tax-deductible.

It seems pretty small, but what a difference all the contributions add up to!


Investing in the Community

Where Does The Money Go?

The Operation Round Up program provides financial aid to fund special projects of community and service organizations within the Tipmont service area.

Operation Round Up funds are commonly used for:

  • Community service projects
  • Economic development
  • Food banks
  • Health and rescue organizations
  • Educational projects
  • Youth programs

Apply For a Grant!

Applications are now being accepted for the next grant cycle.

Selection process

How The Money Is Distributed

The donations to Tipmont’s Operation Round Up trust fund are distributed by a board of volunteer Tipmont members. The board meets on a regular basis to review the grant applications and select which grants are funded.


Grant Cycles

Applying For a Grant

Grants are awarded quarterly according to the schedule below.
Applicants must have 501(c)(3)  status and provide signed documentation as evidence with the submission of the application.


Deadline for Application is the 1st Monday in January. 

Board Action occurs on the 3rd Monday in January.

Deadline for Application is the 1st Monday in April. 

Board Action occurs on the 3rd Monday in April.

Deadline for Application is the 1st Monday in July. 

Board Action occurs on the 3rd Monday in July.

Deadline for Application is the 1st Monday in October. 

Board Action occurs on the 3rd Monday in October.

Apply For a Grant!

Applications are now being accepted for the next grant cycle.

Grant Recipients

Operation Round Up Grant History

Date Organization Project Amount
October 2024Community Action Program, Inc of Western Indianavision screening equipment2,560.00
October 2024CORE Community Centerrubber mats for weight rooms1,000.00
October 2024Fountain County Old Guard VFW #2395digital sign1,000.00
October 2024Indiana Elite Academysoftball field equipment1,700.00
October 2024Lafayette Transitional Housing LHTClaptop and docking station1,331.68
October 2024Lafayette Urban Ministry LUMflooring1,400.87
October 2024Women's Resource Center of Montgomery Countydiapers, wipes, and formula3,000.00
October 2023CORE Community CenterTwo exterior benches1,333.00
October 2023Lafayette Urban MinistryAED Unit1,500.00
October 2023McCutcheon Ban BoostersPlywood materials for new trailer1,080.00
October 2023Transformed Birth ServicesTENs Units300
October 2023Womens Resource Center of Montgomery Formula and diapers3,180.00
October 2022Maverick Robotics Boosters Purchase parts to build 2023 competition robot 1,996.42
October 2022Lafayette Urban Enterprise Association Purchase Metal Handrails on Wabash Avenue 4,200.00
October 2022Lafayette Adult Resourse Academy Purchase books, back packs and seating for library and childcare 2,600.00
October 2022Volunteers for Mental Health Montogmery County Purchase of signage to be distributed for new mental health hotline440
October 2021Team 8232 RoboticsPurchase materials to build robot parts for the 2022 season2,385.42
October 2021Millie's MissionPurchase shopping carts for the thrift shop that supports Lafayette Catholic Schools2,099.80
October 2021Women's Resource CenterPurchase diapers, wipes and formula2,009.00
October 2021SURFPurchase vinyl siding to update the center2,975.81
October 2020On Stage FoundationPurchase items for stage and outside maintenance4,097.89
October 2020Museum at ProphetstownPurchase concrete blocks for bunker1,000.00
October 2020Haan Museum of Indiana ArtPurchase 150 Watt LED floodlights and mounts1,165.00
October 2020Friends of Fountain County FairgroundsPurchase range and microwave1,379.00
October 2020Vounteers of Mental Health Montgomery CountyPurchase shelves and containers for donation storage1,340.97